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Lifecycle Coroutines

Coroutines integration with Lifecycles.

Supported platforms: Android.


If you want to use this dependency without using one of the fun packs, you can use Splitties.lifecycleCoroutines, provided you have refreshVersions added to the project.

For reference, the maven coordinates of this module are com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-lifecycle-coroutines.

Note: This split exposes its dependency on AndroidX Lifecycle runtime KTX, which notably brings lifecycleScope for LifecycleOwner (Activity, Fragment, LifecycleService…) and coroutineScope for Lifecycle. See the documentation of Android Lifecycle here.

Extension functions:

Name Description
Lifecycle.awaitResumed A suspending function that returns/resumes as soon as the state of the Lifecycle is resumed.
Lifecycle.awaitStarted A suspending function that returns/resumes as soon as the state of the Lifecycle is at least started.
Lifecycle.awaitCreated A suspending function that returns/resumes as soon as the state of the Lifecycle is at least created.
Lifecycle.awaitState A suspending function that returns/resumes as soon as the state of the Lifecycle is at least the passed state.
Lifecycle.isStartedFlow Returns a Flow whose value is true while the lifecycle is started. An experimental overload takes a timeout.
Lifecycle.isResumedFlow Returns a Flow whose value is true while the lifecycle is resumed. An experimental overload takes a timeout.
Flow.whileStarted Returns a Flow that emits the values from the receiver only while the passed Lifecycle is in the started state.
Lifecycle.stateFlow Returns a Flow whose value reflects the current Lifecycle.STATE.
Lifecycle.createJob A job that is active while the state is at least the passed one.
Lifecycle.createScope A scope that dispatches on Android Main thread and is active while the state is at least the passed one.


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        lifecycleScope.launch {

        lifecycleScope.launch {
            someValuesToDisplayWhileVisible().whileStarted(lifecycle).collectLatest {

        isStartedFlow(5.seconds).transformLatest { isStarted ->
            if (isStarted) {
        }.onEach { dataSnapshot ->

        lifecycleScope.launch {
            isResumedFlow().collectLatest { isResumed ->
                if (isResumed) {

    override fun onStart() {
        val startedScope = lifecycle.createScope(activeWhile = Lifecycle.State.STARTED)
        startedScope.launch {