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System Services

No more context.getSystemService(NAME_OF_SERVICE) as NameOfManager.

Supported platforms: Android.

This library contains all the Android System Services as of API 29. It allows accessing them with a simple property.

Most System Services use the application Context and are available anywhere in the code of your app, but some that can vary depending on the Context (like LayoutInflater or WindowManager) are extensions on Context, View or AccessibilityService.


If you want to use this dependency without using one of the fun packs, you can use Splitties.systemservices, provided you have refreshVersions added to the project.

For reference, the maven coordinates of this module are com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-systemservices.



fun performSomeVibration(vibe: VibrationEffect) {
    val vibrator = context.getSystemService(VIBRATOR_SERVICE) as Vibrator


fun performSomeVibration(vibe: VibrationEffect) {